
Association Lithuanian Mediena (LMPIA)

Bulgarian association of metallurgical industry (BAMI)

Bulgarian Branch Chamber for Woodworking and Furniture Industries (BCWFI)

Employers Organization from Machines Building (PICM)

Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania (LINPRA)

European Federation of Building and Wood Workers (EFBH)

Facket for Skögs-, Träoch Grafisk Bransch (GS)

Federatia Sindicatelor Libere din Industria Lemnului Romania (Federation of Free Trade Unions in the Wood Industry) (FSLIL)

Federation of Lithuanian Forest and Wood Worker Trade Unions (LMPF)

Federation of Trade Union Organizations in Forestry and Woodworking Industries (FSOGSDP)

Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Costruzioni E Affini (FILCA-CISL)

industrieAll European trade union (industrieAll)

Industriegewerkschaft Metall (Vorstand Frankfurt) (IGM)

Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK)

Lithuanian Unification of Metalworkers’ Trade Unions (LMPSS)

Niezalezny Samorzadny Zwiazek Zawodowy „Solidarnosc” (Solidarnosc)

Odborový svaz pracovniku drevo - lesy - voda v CR (oblast Morava 1) (OS DLV)

Trade Union "Metalicy" (TUM)

Trade Union from Machineries Building (FSCM)

Zwiazek Zawodowy BUDOWLANI (Budowlani)